Top Of The Week

What Does a Treatment Plan Include? A Comprehensive Guide

A treatment plan is an essential document for any mental health or addiction treatment program. It outlines the patient's ...

18 Ways to Prevent Addiction and Live a Healthy Life

Take our free 5-minute substance abuse self-assessment if you think you or a loved one might be struggling with substance ...

Curing Addiction: The Best Way to Help Someone Overcome Addiction

When someone is struggling with addiction, it can be difficult to know how to help them. It's important to remember that...

What Medications are Prescribed for Addiction Treatment?

When it comes to treating addiction, there are a variety of medications available. The most common drugs used in...

How to Overcome Addiction: A Comprehensive Guide

Addiction is a complex issue that can have a devastating impact on an individual's life. While it may seem like an...

Four Different Treatment Options for Addiction

Addiction is a complex condition that requires a comprehensive approach to treatment. Medications, behavioral therapies,...

Recent Post

The Best Treatment for Addiction: A Comprehensive Guide

Addiction is a serious issue that affects not only the individual struggling with it, but also their family and loved...

Overcoming Addiction: The Most Effective Ways to Deal with Addiction

When it comes to overcoming addiction, it is important to review your previous attempts to quit and find an effective...

What Percentage of People Fully Recover from Addiction?

So that's huge, you know, 75%, said Kelly. The numbers vary in the percentage of addicts who recover, and studies...

How to Overcome an Addiction: A Comprehensive Guide

Breaking an addiction is no easy feat. It requires a great deal of dedication and commitment to make lasting changes.

Medications Used in the Treatment of Addictive Disorders

Addictive disorders are a major cause of preventable illness and premature death. Research has shown that approximately 1 ...

The Most Effective Treatment for Substance Abuse

It is widely accepted that cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is the most effective treatment for substance abuse....

5 Practical Tips to Avoid Addiction

Admitting that you have an addiction is the hardest part of recovery. Unfortunately, addiction and alcoholism affect...

Medication for Addiction: What You Need to Know

Addiction is a serious medical condition that can have devastating effects on an individual's life. Fortunately, there...